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Meet the Team

Welcome to Oak Tutoring Partners.


We all know that primary maths skills are essential for success in exams, future education, and life. Our service is a result of our passion for developing children's primary maths skills.

At Oak Tutoring Partners, we are experienced and qualified teachers. Our mission is to help children master maths skills in an effective and permanent way. We do this using a variety of research-informed teaching methods, our knowledge of pedagogy and building a positive relationship with your child.

We guarantee we will work hard for your child and we expect your child to work hard, in partnership with us, for themselves.

We are proud of our proven track record of improving child’s performance, confidence, self-discipline and internal motivation.

We believe that, with the right conditions and time, every child can achieve their full potential in maths. We want your child’s increasing confidence and success to breed more confidence and success.


We look forward to meeting you and your child and finding the best way to work with your child - whether that is helping them to catch up, keep up or fly high.

Fi and Shaun

Lead Tutors

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